Drag Value Fields | Ctrl + Left-Drag |
Scroll Value Fields | Wheel |
Drag Value Fields | Ctrl + Left-Drag |
Edit/Abort | Escape |
Edit/Copy | Ctrl + C |
Edit/Cut | Ctrl + X |
Edit/Delete | Delete |
Edit/Export-nodes | Ctrl + E |
Edit/Import-nodes | Ctrl + I |
Edit/Paste | Ctrl + V |
Edit/Redo | Ctrl + Y |
Edit/Select-all | Ctrl + A |
Edit/Show-node-selector | Tab |
Edit/Toggle-comment | Ctrl + / |
Edit/Undo | Ctrl + Z |
File/New | Ctrl + N |
File/Open | Ctrl + O |
File/Save | Ctrl + S |
File/Save-as | Ctrl + Shift + S |
File/Exit | Ctrl + Q |
Graph/Layout | L |
Navigate/Back | Alt + Left |
Navigate/Forward | Alt + Right |
Navigate/Parent | Alt + Up |
Playback/Pause | Space |
Playback/Play-backward | Down |
Playback/Play-forward | Up |
Playback/Skip-backward | Ctrl + Left |
Playback/Skip-forward | Ctrl + Right |
Playback/Step-backward | Left |
Playback/Step-forward | Right |
Tool/Rotate | R |
Tool/Scale | T |
Tool/Translate | E |
View/Fit-to-viewport | Shift + A |
View/Reset-viewport-transforms | H |
View/Focus-next-element | Tab |
View/Focus-prev-element | Shift + Tab |
Draw Disconnector | Y + Left-Drag |
Pan | 1 + Left-Drag |
Zoom | 2 + Left-Drag |
Pan | 1 + Left-Drag |
Zoom | 2 + Left-Drag |
Add Knot | Ctrl + Left-click |
Zoom Curve Horizontally | Wheel |
Zoom Curve Vertically | Shift + Wheel |
Unfocus editor | Escape |
Indent selection or current line | Tab |
Unindent selection or current line | Shift + Tab |
Toggle comment on selection or current line | Ctrl + / |
Goto module | F2 |
Go To Line | Ctrl + G |
Goto beginning of word | Ctrl + Left |
Goto end of word | Ctrl + Right |
Goto beginning of file | Ctrl + Home |
Goto end of file | Ctrl + End |
Goto next open file | Ctrl + Tab |
Goto previous open file | Ctrl + Shift + Tab |