Postshot provides a command-line interface that allows running training jobs without starting the GUI. This allows scripted control of training jobs and enables training on compute-only GPUs that don't provide graphics capabilities, like the Nvidia Datacenter GPUs.
For details on the command-line options, run the following command in Command Prompt:
"C:\Program Files\Jawset Postshot\bin\postshot-cli.exe" --help
When running in Powershell, prepend an ampersand '&':
& "C:\Program Files\Jawset Postshot\bin\postshot-cli.exe" --help
This will show global options as well as a list of sub-commands. Each sub-command has its own help page. For example:
postshot-cli.exe train --help
"C:\Program Files\Jawset Postshot\bin\postshot-cli.exe" --import "D:\Scene A\images" --output "D:\Scene A\splat-mcmc.psht" -s 60
Compute camera poses and train a radiance field from the images in the folder D:\Scene A\images using the default profile (Splat MCMC) for 60kSteps. Save the resulting project file to D:\Scene A\splat-mcmc.psht. The images will be downscaled to the default Max Image Size of 1600.
"C:\Program Files\Jawset Postshot\bin\postshot-cli.exe" --import "D:\Scene A\images" "D:\Scene A\Poses and Points" --output "D:\Scene A\splat-mcmc.psht" --max-image-size 0
Import the images and camera poses from the given folders - assuming D:\Scene A\Poses and Points contains camera poses and points (see Importing Images for more details). Do not downscale the images.