

Download for Windows


After Effects

  • Fixed: render failed after recent change (black output)


  • Fixed crash when trying to use cameras with degenerate/extreme distortion
  • Pose import from Reality Capture did not handle Brown4 models correctly
  • Fixed: aspect ratios < 1 (portrait mode) did not render correctly
  • Fixed a bug that prevented camera editing/animation
  • Added File/Export Cameras
  • Added 'Track Target' parameter to improve camera animation workflow and interpolation smoothness

Command-line interface

  • Added postshot-cli.exe to allow training from the command line
    See Command-line interface for more details
  • Don't require a display GPU
  • Try to save file before training to detect failure early
  • Prevent hang in some cases when importing images only (no camera poses)
  • Added --show-train-error flag
  • --max-num-features was not interpreted in units of 1000 as the equivalent GUI parameter
  • Fixed a diagnostic error that was printed in some cases
  • Profile selection was broken, leading to training not starting correctly
  • Terminating using Ctrl+C keyboard interrupt caused crash during shutdown in some cases
  • Support login from the command-line to allow operation on (non-graphics) server GPUs
  • Added --gpu option to select used GPU
  • Fixed: --max-image-size was not applied
  • Added default values for --max-num-features and --max-image-size to match GUI import


  • Moved app data files %USERPROFILE%\PostshotData to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Postshot
  • Fixed: too much GPU memory was kept when closing scenes
  • Cleaned up some redundant log messages
  • Don't retain old log files
  • Workaround an AMD driver bug that prevented Postshot from starting on some mixed-GPU systems
  • Fixed unsupported column 'a' error when saving projects with some types of imported point clouds
  • Fixed an error that caused renders to fail in some cases
  • Fixed: hang during 'Optimizing GPU Code' on some systems unless run as adminsitrator


  • Support RAW file formats
  • Support 16bit and 32bit integer colors
  • New image streaming system supports image sets that don't fit into CPU memory
  • Downscale on-demand during Rdnc Field training io. during pre-processing
  • Prevent excessive CPU memory usage when selecting images from long videos/image sequences.
  • Abort training only if all images or cameras are missing (as opposed to only one)
  • Store Postshot version in EXR attributes
  • Fixed a crash in some cases when importing an incomplete pose set
  • Fixed: image pre-processing was run when only loading project in some cases
  • Fixed failure to store projects in some cases ("duplicate chunk name" error)
  • Added image set name to log for several operations
  • Fixed a memory leak when training on images with mixed pixel formats
  • Fixed: downscaling did not work correctly on EXR images
  • Fixed: rendering to image sequence failed to save several frames in some cases


  • Support image sets with multiple camera intrinsics
  • Support importing COLMAP data in .txt format
  • Support import of Reality Capture cameras/points in CSV/PLY formats
    See Importing Images for more details.
  • Support Bundler (*.out) file format to importing poses and points
  • Set Frame Selection to 'Use All Images' when importing poses
  • Increased maximum recommended 'Max Image Count' to 1000
  • UI: added file list and allow dropping files multiple times
  • UI: adjust default Train Steps Limit value to image count
  • Fixed: importing cameras from .json implicitly imported images


  • Added 'Accept EULA' checkbox


  • Result was broken if input image downscaling was used
  • Nerf pipeline did not handle display orientation in input videos correctly
  • Render

    • Show error if render output path is missing extension io. silently not storing output
    • Added Camera/Tonemapping option
    • Disabled far clipping
    • Fixed hang when rendering without radiance field
    • Fixed crash in renderer accompanied by Vulkan device lost errors
    • Fixed: render did not restrict render resolutions to window size
    • Fixed: Poses on Camera objects created from Image Sets were incorrect


    • Support render camera imports from Alembic files
    • Retain scene transform from tracked cameras by default


    • Added 'Single Lens & Focal Length' tracking parameter
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the camera tracker to abort erroneously
    • Fixed issue that causes distorted cameras/scene for some image sets
    • Fixed crash when aborting camera tracking during Step 3/4
    • Fixed issue that caused camera tracker to abort in some cases on images >4k resolution.
    • Fixed: pausing/aborting CameraTracker did not work during some stages.


    • Added Sky Model option
    • Support training on HDR images
    • Support color spaces other than sRGB incl. ACES, HLG/Rec. 2020, Adobe RGB
    • Added new 'Splat MCMC' profile with different densification behavior
    • Some model quality improvements
    • Reduced GPU memory usage during training by ~15%
    • Several training performance and memory management optimizations
    • Use original color space when rendering to EXR
    • Added Render/Exposure parameter
    • Added Rdnc Field/Render/Min Radius parameter
    • Release more pre-allocated memory when closing a project.
    • Fixed an issue that caused artefacts similar to overexposure
    • Fixed: training/rendering images larger than 8K did not work
    • Fixed: training did not abort if images failed to load
    • Fixed: selected splats could get 'stuck' when storing project with active selection
    • Fixed a crash when saving projects with an empty radiance field
    • Fixed: on multi-GPU systems, training on GPUs other than GPU 0 did not work
    • Fixed: Switching between Splat and NeRF profiles on existing project was broken
    • Fixed a crash when loading projects stored with older versions


  • Added separate brush selection mode without depth limit
  • Added option to relocate missing images/videos
  • Added ImageSet/Timeline Selects Image option
  • Added ImageSet/Create Camera action to allow rendering training cameras
  • Added checkbox in import dialog to quickly disable image downsample size
  • Added 'File/Open Recent' submenu. Don't auto-load last project on startup.
  • Added shift key modifier for fast camera movement using WASDQC shortcuts.
  • Added Downsample parameter to RdncField node iot. allow change after import.
  • Added parameter for Home Camera transform in Scene/Parameters and Ctrl+Shift+H shortcut to set it
  • Added Help/About dialog
  • Always display import dialog centered io. following mouse
  • Rdnc Field: show trained step count in Model Stats
  • Show number of registered images during camera tracking.
  • Image Set: added separate image counts for imported, selected and tracked image sets
  • Image Set: moved action buttons to separate parameter tab
  • Show last avg. training error in Rdnc Field/Model Stats after training
  • Replaced obsolete 'Use Scene Transform' with 'Align Up Vector'
  • Mouse wheel changes selection brush size faster
  • Mouse wheel changes depth limit faster
  • Made selection more sensitive to include partially hovered splats
  • Use scientific notation for very small or large numbers (1e-6 etc.)
  • Changed shortcuts for selection tool to avoid collision with camera navigation (see status message for details)
  • Increased the default camera move speed in Ego mode
  • Increased tab dragging threshold to help prevent accidental layout changes
  • Fixed: Progress UI did not abort in some cases when Camera Tracker aborted
  • Fixed: training did not start (after camera tracking) if window was minimized
  • Fixed: don't load image files when using Image Set only as viewport camera on pre-trained model
  • Fixed: Rdnc Field/Model Stats splat count was incorrect in some cases
  • Fixed: Preferences/Show Train Error was not correctly restored from stored settings
  • Fixed: Login failed on some systems
  • Fixed: Viewport camera was not restored correctly in some cases when loading a scene
  • Fixed: Progress tab remained inactive during image pre-processing stage on any but the first job
  • Fixed: Dragging number fields created many undo steps io. grouping into one
  • Fixed: Import file selector was not listing some supported file formats
  • Fixed: Changing resolution on Camera Node updated horizontal FOV io. vertical only
  • Fixed: Splat Density was not restored correctly when loading projects
  • Fixed: UI did not update correctly after display/system sleep
  • Fixed: camera pose widgets were drawn corrupted in some cases
  • Fixed: renaming a selected camera object switched the viewport to the default camera
  • Fixed: progress timers kept counting while training was paused
  • Fixed: using render action with no camera object switched viewport to Image Set camera
  • Fixed: Model Stats field did not update when resetting radiance field
  • Fixed: incorrect error message when starting render while no camera was selected
  • Fixed a UI hang when creating a new project in some cases
  • Fixed: Pausing/aborting training during 'Loading Images' stage did not work.
  • Fixed: Viewport was not cleared when switching to camera with different aspect ratio.
  • Fixed: main menu popups did not close in some cases when clicking outside of menu.
  • Fixed: Some Unicode characters in recent file paths caused error on startup
  • Fixed: camera poses and points did not update during camera tracking
  • Fixed: File/Open Recent list was restored in reverse order
  • Fixed a crash when using Windows/Reset Layout
  • Fixed: Import dialog did not show unit symbol on Max Splat Count parameter
  • Fixed: Allow entering invalid values into number fields, revert when exiting field instead
  • Fixed an issue causing icons to jitter in some cases
  • Fixed: Step-Limit-Reached message did not popup correctly in some cases
  • Fixed: dragging number elements caused extra undo entry after recent change
  • Fixed: timeline jumped to incorrect frames in some cases
  • Fixed: File/Open did not reset timeline correctly
  • Fixed overly sensitive mouse controls when using UI via Remote Desktop
  • Fixed incorrect 'Remaining' time in progress widget when continuing a training job
  • Fixed: importing images and COLMAP files gave incorrect error about missing points
  • User Guide